Homeopathy Introductory Classes Summer 2021

NEWS – new dates being arranged


Many people have been asking me about how to use remedies at home from their first aid kit, to learn more about different remedies, when can it be appropriate to self-prescribe at home, and how to choose and then give remedies.

So I will be running a short introductory course at the beginning of July, based on how to use the remedies in a first aid remedy kit


Homeopathy: An Introduction to Basic Principles and Acute Prescribing

Date and time:  TBC please email me for details or to be put on the mailing list

Two one hour Zoom classes and handouts will be emailed to you.


Topics will include:

* A short introduction to the history, philosophy and principles of Homeopathy

*Acute prescribing, how to choose remedies and use them safely for:

Accidents and minor injuries

Colds and fluEar infections


Stomach bugs

Sore throats

Remedies: Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum – album, Ant-Tart, Belladonna, Bryonia, Cantharis, Gelsemium, Eupatorium, Chamomilla, Hypericum, Ledum, Pulsatilla, Lachesis, Staphysagria, Hepar-sulph, Rhus-tox, Ruta, Silica, Symphytum


The course will consist of:

Two 1 hour Zoom meetings with a series of handouts.

Thursday 1st July and Thursday 8th July  5pm – 6pm BST

Price £30

Book here

Book Homeopathy Classes July 1st and 8th
