
“When I discovered Homeopathy UK I tried not to have any expectations on the process or the outcome but when I met Lyssa I immediately felt that I was with the right therapist. Apart that she is highly knowledgeable and skilled in what she does her calmness, kindness and presence made me feel instantly supported, connected and heard. Lyssa not only recommended incredible remedies but also in each session she was able to help me gently to go deeper with lots of remarkable insights and this process felt truly healing on its own.  She is an amazing homeopath with so much wisdom who genuinely cares for her clients and has an incredible ability in finding the right remedy that address the deep core issues even when things healthwise are very complex as it was in my situation. I feel truly blessed for this opportunity through Homeopathy UK and particularly to have Lyssa as my therapist and guide in my healing journey and I highly recommend her to anyone! Thank you Lyssa!”
(Client testimonial September 2024)
I came to Lyssa on a recommendation from someone who’s view I very much respect.  I was feeling completely physically exhausted and as a result life was feeling challenging.   Lyssa took a great deal of time to get to the root of how I was feeling, she left no stone unturned, and as a result of this I felt better after the very first remedy she gave me.  Since then, I have had a number of remedies, all tailored to how I was feeling at the time, and the difference in my health is incredible.  She has completely transformed my wellbeing, and as a result, my enjoyment of life.  I still feel tired, but it is manageable now and I am stronger physically, emotionally and mentally.
I would – and do – recommend Lyssa to anyone I know.  She has a kind, gentle manner, and her knowledge and intuition goes far deeper than any other practitioner I have come across.


I have always found Lyssa professional, approachable and down to earth. She is a very experienced and dedicated Homeopath and I would recommend her to anyone looking for a caring, informative and holistic approach to their health.



I met Lyssa when my daughter was an infant when she was recommended as someone who would listen and help me clarify my choices about early vaccination for children. She later became my  Homeopath supporting my health and also my childrens’ , who are now young adults and beginning to appreciate how the gentle and powerful ’magic’ of homeopathy can support their well-being.
As a practitioner, Lyssa is thorough and respectful. She manages to be responsive when ‘acute’ episodes materialise and always conscientious, integrating understanding from a wide range of other/allopathic approaches and choices individuals make. No detail is too small, unusual or unlikely to escape Lyssa’s scrutiny in her endeavour to select a remedy suiting the individual’s uniqueness and current circumstance.
I have no hesitation in recommending Lyssa to anyone seeking something to address a health concern or support their wellbeing. Her open minded 30 minute ‘introductory’ conversation is typical of her generous approach to her work. Her creative and intuitive approach encourages helpful participation for children and engagement with young adults.


Student Testimonial
(For Homeopathic Supervision 4th year chronic case portfolio NWCH) Lyssa is very thorough, I feel pushed, stretched and supported. I feel there is unlikely to be any stone left unturned in this process, I do not worry that a piece of vital work will not have been polished to the required level. Feels like Lyssa has as much desire for me to pass as I do. So many thanks for the patience, diplomacy, skill and experience you are passing to me.


Practitioner Testimonial

Practitioner Testimonial

“I’ve had some group supervision followed by one to one with Lyssa in the recent times and both have been immensely helpful. Lyssa has a very calming presence, who listens patiently and reflects the points in questions and gives a good all round feedback, without  judgement or prejudice. Her insight has been much appreciated and suggested ideas implemented.”



Client Testimonial
Lyssa Clayton has treated me homeopathically since 2014. The first job I presented Lyssa with was a chronic problem relating to what felt like a blockage near my heart. It had been with me since 1996. I was 47, taught yoga and felt fit. when I was severely struck down by a deadly virus, most probably the Cocksackie B virus. For twenty years I was unable to walk uphill without pain and shortness of breath. I also could not sleep on my left or my right-hand side. I felt severely restricted. No ends of heart scans had revealed anything. Lyssa’s painstaking search for the correct remedy combined with her expert knowledge which is always expanding, saw me experiencing an energetic release which from that day onwards has let me walk to the top of mountains, and sleep any way I wish. It took all of two months from the start of Lyssa’s treatment to this wonderful release which gave me a new lease of life. Whatever problems I turn up with, Lyssa applies her patient and acute listening skills and extensive homeopathic expertise. She has consequently kept me in good mental emotional and physical health through some years which have been particularly stress full. On the eve of lockdown, she handed me important remedies at 23.00hrs. I am naturally very grateful for the great care she has shown me since becoming my homeopath. Her unstinting support and superior knowledge makes me her lucky and content patient. With best wishes for her future UL




I have been consulting Lyssa since 2014 for help with a long term mental health condition, which I have needed to take medication for since 1996. The psychiatric medication has had many adverse effects on my physical health, and I sought Lyssa’s help to assist me with reducing and possibly withdrawing completely from the medication with the support of the local mental health services, as well as addressing the side effects. I had tried unsuccessfully several times before to reduce the dose of the medication but after treatment with homeopathy, many issues I had had for years started to slowly resolve themselves over several years, often in unexpected ways, and I have been able to gradually reduce the dose of medication by 90 percent and am now hoping to be medication free within another 2-3years. It has been a long road, but treatment with homeopathy has been tremendously helpful, and my physical health is also a lot better, specifically the IBS I had for around 7 years has been mostly resolved. I would recommend Lyssa’s services to others in a similar situation, with the proviso that it is important to work together with and have the support of one’s medical doctor and reduce medication in a controlled and supervised way if that is what one is hoping to achieve. Thank you, Lyssa!