
Hello, I’ve recently been seeing more and more babies with colicky pains, digestive discomfort and feeding problems and struggling to adjusting to being in the world. When I work with a baby and their family I want to be able to observe them and hear what is happening right now. […]

Homeopathy and Your Post-natal Year

  Hello, Many people have been asking me about how to use remedies at home from their first aid kit, to learn more about different remedies, when can it be appropriate to self-prescribe at home, and how to choose and then give remedies. So I will be running a short […]

Homeopathy at Home Course

                Carbons and Row 2 of the Periodic Table.   This last weekend I attended a webinar hosted by the North West College of Homeopathy studying Carbons and remedies of Row 2 on the Periodic Table and plant families with similar themes. Many […]

Carbon Remedies for our Time

I came across this great article recently.  it’s an interview with Homeopath Dr Jonathan Hardy in Glamour magazine, which I’ve never read this magazine before but I’m now going to keep my eye on it for more interesting features !  Jonathan is a hugely experienced homeopath and an excellent teacher, […]

Homeopathy….so what is it ?

Follow-ups ……why are they important and why I ask you to book back in. So, you’ve had an initial consultation, or you’ve had another follow-up session, taken your remedy doses and are booked back in for your next appointment. One of the astonishing things about Homeopathy is that after you […]

How follow-ups help me to help you

What is Homeopathy Awareness Week ?    Homeopathy Awareness Week (HAW) is a week long celebration of Homeopathy and runs from 10th to 16th of April each year.   The week begins on the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, born on 10th April 1755.  Hahnemann founded Homeopathy and left us with […]

Homeopathy Awareness Week April 10th – 16th

March Spring is Stirring in Challenging Times   Here’s my latest newsletter.  I’ll be sending out some shorter posts every week or so.  Do let me know if you’d like to subscribe.   March 30th Newsletter  

March Newsletter

Sustainability and Health, Zoom and Skype Appointments Over the last year, I’ve been reflecting on my Homeopathy practice and making sure it is as sustainable and healthful as possible.  So, along with doing things like sourcing recycled and plastic-free envelopes and posting materials, I decided to travel less. Now I […]

Online Consultations Zoom and Skype